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Asker: sujeet
Ask Date: 1/7/2008 2:23:47 AM
Question: jaw or impactor....?
Detail: Just a small querry...what is the optimum reduction ratio of single rotor impactor....i know manufacturers claim that one can achieve minimum of 10:1....but end users say that practically one can achieve 6 to 7:1 at RATED capacity...if 10:1 reduction has to be acieved than one has to reduce the feed rate...this is all to restrict impactor from over stressing. For the above feed rate, the gradation of material will be as specified by manyfacturer. If we compair the reliability, reduction ratio and capacity of jaw and impactor then which one is the right crusher for primary crushing application? regards,

Reply: Generally, for hard material such as concrete blocks, impactor should not be used, as wear and tear will be very high. For such hard material, impactor will give less crushing ratio.

Generally it would be used as a compromise, if people want to make it a portable equipment.

For soft stones, coal, limestone etc, impactor can give much higher ratios and it is a suitable machine there.

For this application, you should use jaw crusher only. Relatively it will be much less maintainance prone machine


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