Henan Liming Heavy Industry Science & Technology Co.,Ltd
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Asker: Ken Engh
Ask Date: 12/25/2007 1:50:18 AM
Question: Can you briefly introduce the main characteristics of your suspension grinder?
Detail: I am interested in your suspension grinder and I wonder what is the advantage of this kind of grinder?


The advantage of high pressure suspension grinder mill are:

1. Compared with other mills, its capacity increases by 10%-20% under the same power condition, and compression force of rollers to material improve 800-1200kgf under the force of high-pressure spring.
2. Size of final product can be 0.613mm (30mesh) –0.033mm (425mesh). Some can reach the fineness of 0.013mm (1000 mesh).
3. High Pressure Suspension Mill meets the requirement of national dust-dump standard.
4. The separator can be adjusted very easily.
5. The multi-class seals are adopted to keep the grinding equipment tightly closed.


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